Support us: invite your friends!

If you like the shows we put on there are easy ways to contribute to what we do. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit we appreciate all the support we can get in promoting our shows and bringing more people to our events.

Just a minute or two is all it takes. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Are you coming? Invite your friends and community to join you. Our events are great for groups, since there’s a pre-show social activity and a long intermission for drinks and conversations.
  2. Have a friend who is speaking? Tag them on social media and ask their friends to attend with you to cheer them on.
  3. Need a morale event at work? We’re an inexpensive way to bring a group together for a fun and memorable night of “edutainment.”
  4. Out of ideas for date night? We’re a great experience for dates, more interactive and cheaper than a movie, plus our shows are great conversation starters (“what was your favorite talk and why?”). Here’s our recommended list of nearby places to eat before the show.

To help you help us, you can copy and paste this to your social media:

Join me on Thurs., October 26th for an evening of fun and inspiring talks at Town Hall Seattle. There’s a bar, easy social activities and more. Tickets $10/15:

Hope to see you and your friends at our next event.

Community Genius: Leveraging Community to Increase your Creative Powers – Shelly Farnham

Are you in a creative rut? Finding yourself not as inspired as you’d like to be? Most of us in creative fields need to recharge our resourcefulness every now and then.

Shelly Farhham, social scientist and leading expert in community technologies, has spent her professional life researching social media and building online communities.

In her talk, Shelly shares 13 tips to increase your creative powers ranging from (1) Seek Diversity to (8) give away ideas freely to (7) hang around in bars and helps you figure out how leverage community to increase your creative powers.

About Shelly Farnham

Shelly D. Farnham has a PhD in Social Psychology from University of Washington and is the co-founder and social architect at Waggle Labs, which develops innovative social applications. You can find her on Twitter at shellyshelly.

You can see Shelly’s slides on Slideshare and read the text on the Waggle Labs’ blog.