Submit a talk

Do you have a great idea or a fascinating story you want to share? Ignite Seattle is a unique chance to share, in just 5 minutes, something important, funny, or wonderful. What are you passionate about? Have a story that changed your perspective somehow? Big or small, heart wrenching or humorous, we want to hear it. And we’ve got the most supportive audience in Seattle.

We’ve announced our speaker lineup for Ignite #45, happening March 21, 2024, but the submission form is already open if you have a great idea for the next show (tentatively October 2024)! Check this page in May for details about submission deadlines and event schedule.

It’s ok if you haven’t done anything like this before — accepted speakers are invited to coaching sessions and one-on-one support with professional speakers and coaches Scott Berkun, Beth Jusino, and Andrew Spink.

If you’ve never been to one of our events, watch at least one Ignite talk so you get a feel for the format or watch our one-minute explainer video.

DEFINITELY READ our insider advice on getting your talk accepted. We receive, on average, 70 submissions for 10-12 spots, but only a fraction follow this advice.

Ready to submit?

photo by: Brady Harvey