Half-Baked Dotcom at Ignite Seattle

We are trying something new this time around: Half-Baked Dotcom. HBD has become quite popular at various O’Reilly events. Itis going to be hosted by one of its creators, Dave McClure. He’s my Web 2.0 Expo co-chair and happens to be in town for Gnomedex. As he describes it:

Half-Baked Dot Com is a participatory exercise in entrepreneur improv conducted by five teams of startup addicts and judged by a crackpot panel of venture capitalists & D-list bloggers (or whomever shows up first). Faster than foreplay with jenna jameson, more creative than a VP explaining a quail hunt, and nearly as much suspense as a scheduled train wreck, Half-Baked is the latest Web 2.0 craze sweeping the unconference circuit. Show up early and bring your A-game if you want to participate, otherwise bring your camera to record the heinous crime to be perpetrated on an unsuspecting audience.

For those who want to participate the team selections will begin around 6:30. The presentations will begin around 7:30. The Ignite Talks will still begin at 8:30.

This is in place of the Make Contest that is normally hosted by Bre. He is unable to make it this time.

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