How to make slides Ignite Friendly (automated)

One of the requirements for speaking at Ignite is your slides must automatically advance. It’s wise to practice many times before doing an Ignite talk, and this post shows you how to set up your slides for this purpose.

For Powerpoint Mac/Windows:

  1. Select all your slides. You can do this by clicking the first thumbnail on the left hand side, scrolling to the bottom, then holding shift and clicking the last one (Or hitting Cntrl-A for Select All)
  2. In the ribbon/menu bar on top, go to “Transitions.”
  3. On the right hand side, you’ll see the “advance slide” section. Uncheck “On Mouse Click” and check the “After” box. Type “15.00” into the box next to “After.”
  4. Slightly further to the right, click on the “Apply To All Slides” button.
  5. Now start your slideshow from the beginning, wait 15 seconds, and presto!

Make sure you only have 20 slides (equivalent to 5:00 of presenting time). You don’t want to be rehearsing with more slides than are allowed.

[based on advice from Zac Cohn]

Author: Scott Berkun

Author and Speaker, known for fine books including The Myths of Innovation, Making things Happen, The Year Without Pants and Confessions of a Public Speaker.

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