Ignite Deux: The Speaker Schedule

We have twenty-one awesome talks and speakers for you this time. The talks range in subject matter from tech to community to art to business and then back to tech with a little law and science thrown in. Each series of talks will begin at the bottom of the hour. Since the talks (should) last only 35 minutes (five x seven = thirty-five) there will be plenty of time for networking and socializing.Each talk is 20 slides long and each slide is on for only 15 seconds. If a topic bores you, go get a drink! Chances are it will be done by the time you get back.

First Set of Talks (8:30 PM)

  1. Brady Forrest (O’Reilly Radar, Ignite!) – Greetings & Salutations
  2. Matthew Maclaurin – (Microsoft Research) – Programming for Fun/Children/Hobbyists/Hackers
  3. Elisabeth Freeman (Author in the Head First Series, Works at Disney Internet Group) -The Science Behind the Head First Books: or how to write a technical book that doesn’t put your readers to sleep
  4. Scott Kveton (JanRain) – OpenID
  5. Avi Geiger – “Power Consumption of Home Computers and Incandescent Lightbulbs” (Brady’s note – trust me this is going to be an eye-opening talk)
  6. Ryan Stewart (ZDNet’s Universal Desktop; Threecast) – The Rich Internet Application Space: Everything from where AJAX fits to Apollo to WPF to the Flash Platform
  7. Nancy White (Full Circle Associates) – What the Bleep is a Community Technology Steward?

Second Set of Talks (9:30 PM)

  1. Hans Omli (Shoestring Ventures)- Elevator Pitches and Parallel Entrepreneurship
  2. Sarah Davies (Freedom For IP) – Share and share alike: GPL, Creative Commons, and the future of digital freedom
  3. Lars Liden (Teachtown) – Utilizing Web Technology to Help Children with Autism
  4. Kurt Brockett (Identity Mine) – A Look at Windows Presentation Foundation
  5. Marcelo Calbucci (Sampa) – Dr. Watson for AJAX
  6. Lee Lefever (The World Is Not Flat) – Adventures from a Year of Multimedia Travel Blogging: A few inspiring stories from a year of travel blogging across 29 countries that produced 500+ blog posts, 24 original videos and 14,000 photos.
  7. Barry Brumitt (Google) – MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters

Third Set of Talks (10:30 PM)

  1. Ellie Lum (R.E.Load Bags) – “How R.E.Load Makes Their Bags”
  2. Leo Dirac (Rhapsody) – Transhuman technology trends and their implications for a theory of morality
  3. Deepak Singh (business|bytes|genes|molecules) – An Open Scientific Future
  4. Mike Arcuri (Ontela) – Escaping the Empire: how to leave a big company
  5. Heater Ralph – Art or science? A multi-person pogo stick
  6. Jordan Mitchell (CEO, OthersOnline) – Distributed Social Networking and a New Metaphor for Search
  7. Corprew Reed (American Society for Information Science & Technology) – What the heck is the Pacific Northwest Chapter of ASIS&T?

Ignite Seattle is a geek event that combines on-site geekery, sharing, and innovation (and drinking). The next one will be held upstairs at the CHAC on Tuesday, February 13th. The Make Contest (Egg Slam) will begin at 6:30; the Ask Later talks will begin at 8:30. Videos and photos from the previous Ignite are available. Admission is free.

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